Stacey here. The WORST BLOGGER EVER award should probably go to me since we met back in February, tomorrow is May 1, and I am JUST now blogging about our book. However, I think I redeem myself a little bit by including PICTURES with this post! Yay!
Anyways, the book I chose for us to read was "Little Bee". I don't want to give too much away about it because the main event in the book is pretty much what the entire novel is about! In fact, this is what the back of the book says: "We don't want to tell you what happens in this book. It is a truly special story and we don't want to spoil it. Nevertheless, you need to know enough to buy it, so we will just say this: This is the story of two women. Their lives collide one fateful day, and one of them has to make a terrible choice, the kind of choice we hope you never have to face. Two years later, they meet again- the story starts there... Once you have read it, you'll want to tell your friends about it. When you do, please doesn't tell them what happens. They magic is in how the story unfolds."
So see? I would love to tell you lots about the book, but the back cover specifically tells me not to... I will say that it is a GREAT book! It's always a little intimidating to start a book that you know NOTHING about, but this one doesn't disappoint. The main character, Little Bee, is a Nigerian refugee living in the United Kingdom. She reconnects with a woman from her past and the story goes from there. As mentioned in the description, they are connected through something that happened in the past. Chris Cleave is the author of the book and did a great job at winding the different cultures and different personalities together. "Little Bee" isn't always an easy read. In fact, there are some parts that are pretty detailed and hard to read. But, there is actually some funny moments to it, too! There's a four-year-old boy named Charlie that provides some good comedic moments - he lives in his Batman suit and refuses to take it off... ever.
Like I said, I can't get into too much detail on the plot, but it's one of those books where you can't help putting yourself in the story and asking "What would I do?" I highly recommend reading it! On a side note, they're making a movie about it and I think Nicole Kidman is going to be in it... Should be good!
Here are our ratings for this book:
Stacey: 9.25
Allison: 8
Kristin: 8.5
Camille: 7.9
Erin: 8.5
And some fun book club pictures!
Reading little Jase a bed time story, as all good book clubbers should do.
Honorary member for the night.
Why not?
Every book club, we pass our "Reading is Sexy" pin (it is!), as well as the purse that we share!
I thought this picture was too funny not to post...
Read this book!